12 februari. 2011memories hangout with my lovely cousin go to ikea:)hehe.kali ni entry fza nk cite,fza pergi ikea.oh my favourite places to shopping for home deco :).fza xbeli byk pn sikit2 fza just beli box utk simpan brg2 fza kt bilik tu,beli gunting kain ,then beli meja kecik biasa org putih makan kt katil tu kn.:)meh jom kte tgk gmbr fza kuar dgn cousin fza;) tp fza xdpt nk ambik gmbr kt dlm ikea tu tempt display2 brg2 dia sbb cousin fza nk rushing.nk kerja masa tu yg xsempat.ehehe
before masuk ke ikea sempat lg style:) cardigan vintage then singlet
maxi skirt;)
tgk ada duit ke x dlm wallet tu.hehehe
masa utk byr.uncle boleh byrkan sekali x??:P
kotak fza beli.:) org kirim yg atas tu.bwh nye.fza xsempat nk ambik pulak nk ambik gmbr kotak fza beli tu;)

my cousin adna,and my younger sister fajrina and cousin dahlia:)
ktorg pos kt tepi cafe garden ni
this one scissors zig cousin bought it for me from ikea dubai:) bile dpat je gunting ni sgt happy.teramat sgt.hehehe.thanks to lovely cousin:)
gunting kain ni fza pn.ikea jugak,hehehe..fza memang suka sgt ikea..brg2 dia not bad la:)
kata-kata fza:next time nk pergi lagi
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